
Hackathon / Ideathon

This event challenges participants to think outside the box and develop solutions to complex problems within a limited timeframe. It's an opportunity to showcase your coding prowess, learn new technologies, and develop practical solutions that could make a difference. Whether you're a seasoned coder or a novice enthusiast, this hackathon is the perfect arena to test your skills, learn from your peers, and push the boundaries of what's possible in technology.

Co-ordinator Name: Dr. Vignesh V

98946 42277    vignesh.v@kce.ac.in
Event Name: Hackthon : Your Chance to master Coding
Event Type: Hackathon
Event Timings: 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Event Description: Come along to Hackthon for an excited adventure with coding and creativity.Participate for this event will be given with problem statement it involves creative thinking. This is your chance to demonstrate your mastery of coding pick your new skills and create seful solution that have the potential to change the world. Regardless od your level of experience this hackthon offers an idea settings for you to demonstrate your abilities,gain knowledge from your collegauge nad explore the limites of technological possibilites
Event Rules:
  • All coding must be done on site , pre written code is not allowed
  • Solution must be original and developed during the hackthon
  • Teams must adhere to the event timing stricitly.
  • Judge decision will be final and binding
Event Venue: Oracle Lab
Event Rounds:
  • Round 1 : 4 Questions
  • Round 2 : 2 Questions
Event Prize:
  • Winner will get prize worth of Rs. 3000 and runner will get the prize worth of Rs.2000.
  • All the candidates will be given participation certificates.
Contact Information (for inquiries and registration):
  • Dr.Vignesh / ASP CSE - 98946 42277
  • Jermina / AP CY -90255 06957
  • Velammal / AP CST- 98657 76613


The Department of Cyber Security is excited to announce its upcoming lineup of events for the upcoming academic year. We will be conducting 3 technical events, 3 non-technical events, and 2 workshops that are sure to be informative and engaging for students, faculty, and industry professionals alike.

Co-ordinator Name: M.Sathish Kumar/ Assistant Professor

7708734870    Sathishkumar.m@kce.ac.in
Event Name: Paper Presentation
Event Type: Technical
Event Timings: 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Event Description: Students can deliver their ideas, the results of their research activities, and innovations in the field of Computer science and engineering,cyber security using a power point presentation.
Event Rules: 2 to 4 members/team
Event Venue: D-block / D202
Event Rounds: One Round
Contact Information (for inquiries and registration):
  • Faculty Coordinator : M.Sathish Kumar / AP – 77087 34870
  • Event Coordinator : R.Sasikala/AP - 82208 43050
  • Student Coordinator :Sheik Abdulla/2nd Year - 99407 65630
               Mithra S/2nd Year - 63824 35489
Event Name: Project Contest
Event Type: Contest
Event Timings: 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Event Description: The event brings together talented individuals and teams from diverse backgrounds to present their groundbreaking projects and compete for recognition, prizes, and the chance to make a lasting impact
Event Rules: -
Event Venue: D204
Event Rounds: 1 Round
Contact Information (for inquiries and registration):
  • Faculty Coordinator :M.Sathish Kumar / AP – 77087 34870
  • Event Coordinator : Dr.K.Ravikumar / AsP – 99655 22010
  • Student Coordinator :Kishore R.P/4th Year - 80564 71040
               Naveen.A/3rd Year - 73569 04690
Event Name: Securing the Future: Exploring Cyber Security Frontiers - Poster Presentation
Event Type: Poster Presentation
Event Timings: 12:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Event Description: Welcome to our Cyber Security Department's Poster Presentation Event! Join us in exploring the cutting-edge developments and crucial insights within the realm of cybersecurity. Our event aims to showcase the diverse facets of cyber defense, from threat detection and incident response to the latest advancements in encryption technologies. Engage with our dynamic posters that unravel the complexities of securing digital landscapes, providing a visual journey through innovative strategies, tools, and frameworks. This event serves as a platform for knowledge exchange, fostering a community dedicated to staying ahead of evolving cyber threats. Immerse yourself in the world of cybersecurity through captivating visuals, informative displays, and the opportunity to interact with experts in the field.
Event Rules: -
Event Venue: D-block / Room No: D204
Event Rounds: 1 Round
Contact Information (for inquiries and registration):
  • Faculty Coordinator : M.Sathish Kumar / AP – 77087 34870
  • Event Coordinator : Dr P Karthik Kumar/ AP - 96553 33397
  • Student Coordinator :Kanishka /3rd Year - 86105 33638
               Vikash /2nd Year - 90256 14697
Event Name: Technical Quiz
Event Type: Technical Event
Event Timings: 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Event Description: A technical quiz is a type of quiz that focuses on testing knowledge and understanding of technical subjects, such as science, technology and engineering fields. It may include questions related to concepts, theories and problem-solving techniques.
Event Rules: -
Event Venue: D - Block
Event Rounds: 3 Round
Contact Information (for inquiries and registration):
  • Faculty Coordinator : M.Sathish Kumar / AP – 77087 34870
  • Event Coordinator : F.Ravindaran / AP - 93849 46839
  • Student Coordinator :Ram Prakash K /2nd Year – 82700 67559
               Deekshitha U K /2nd Year – 90257 46098


The Department of Cyber Security is excited to announce its upcoming lineup of events for the upcoming academic year. We will be conducting 3 technical events, 3 non-technical events, and 2 workshops that are sure to be informative and engaging for students, faculty, and industry professionals alike.

Co-ordinator Name: M.Sathish Kumar/ Assistant Professor

+91 77087 34870   
Event Name: Workshop on Beyond the Perimeter Exploring Cyber Security challenges
Event Type: Workshop
Event Timings: 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Event Description: In this one-day workshop on Beyond the Perimeter Exploring Cyber Security challenges This workshop is planned to cover how to set up Kali Linux in a virtual machine and set up with DNS info and collection of local networks, Burp suite tool, Zap Tool, API Testing, Top 10 Vulnerability,POC Creation and CTF.An intensive hands-on training was organized in order to improve their practical knowledge.
Event Rules: -
Event Venue: EMC2 Lab
Contact Information (for inquiries and registration):
  • Faculty Coordinator :M.Sathish Kumar / AP – 77087 34870
  • Event Coordinator : Ms.Jermina.F / AP – 90255 06957
  • Student Coordinator :Sriram T/3rd Year - 95977 97561
               charan K/3rd Year - 93607 57459